Here you can find information in English, Polish and Spanish for foreigners living in Iceland. This information is useful for parents of children living in Iceland. The material was prepared by Alma Belem Serrato a psychologist at the The Icelandic Center for Treatment of Anxiety Disorders.
Heilbrigði, Sjálfsefling
Coronavirus and coping with stress (English, Polish, Spanish)
Tenging við menntastefnu
Heilbrigði, Sjálfsefling
Gerð efnis
Fræðilegt, Ítarefni
Starfsfólk og foreldrar
Kóróna, andleg og félagsleg vellíðan, samskipti, Forvarnir, Lífs- og neysluvenjur
Coronavirus and coping with stress - English
Coronavirus and coping with stress - Español
Coronavirus and coping with stress - Polsku